Sunday, September 7, 2008

About us

We are the White family: Chad, Teresa, Macy and Ben. We are so excited to have this opportunity to live, laugh and love with all of you. Hopefully, this blog will help us keep a little better connected with our friends and family we don't get to see often enough.

A little background on us, Chad and I have been married for 9 years. We are blessed with two of the most spirited, precious children ever in Macy (almost 4) and Ben (almost 2). Chad and I both work, so when we have free time it is most always with our kids and when possible, other family. We also love to do home projects, we haven't figured out how to get the kids involved in those yet. Chad also has the whole family join him in rooting for the Cubs, the Irish and the Colts. The kids can even sing the Go Cubbies go song!
Again, a big welcome to everyone who visits us here. We invite all of you to send comments so we can know what's going on with all of you.