Sunday, January 10, 2010

Getting ready for Santa

The weeks leading up to Christmas are some of my favorites. I love putting up decorations, baking goodies, singing Christmas songs the whole works! Some of these things are catching on with the kids now. Gratned, they celebrate in their own unique ways.

I tried to make this larger so you could see how Macy wanted to decorate the house. I was working on the tree singing along to Celine Dion (yah, that's right) and looked up and there was Macy going to town. She worked on this for a good hour. She was having so much fun I just let her go. I'm thrilled I will have a decorating partner in years to come!

We spent a day baking and decorating cookies with Becky, Natalie and Sophia. The kids again, have their own way of doing things which is not exactly the way Becky and I would decorate, but everybody had a great time!